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My Story

For almost a decade I watched as my son experimented and succumbed to a life shackled by addiction. His drug of choice - marijuana. At some point, with the help of more angels than anyone deserves I stopped spiraling with my son in his vortex and began to reclaim my life. As I began my recovery from controlling, guilt ridden and raging parent and allowed my son to proceed on his journey, I learned there is life for me after his addiction. I am learning too, the hard truths that less [parenting] can be more when dealing with addiction, that there is always hope for him and that only he can pull himself out of the mire into which he has stumbled.

It has been a long ongoing journey but I have trust enough in the process to truly love my son and hate the addiction that keeps him stuck, a 14-year-old trapped in a 22-year-old body. His next move is his, not mine. I am so sad for him, but, I do not live for him. I am living for me and it is a wonderful experience.

This is a website for gentle sharing, encouragement and relaxation - a place of respite in a world that can seem crazy when a son or daughter succumbs to any addiction. This site may at first seem selfish and heartless. Give it a chance. I am not a social worker, a psychiatrist or psychologist. I am simply a dad who eventually realized that I was beaten by the addiction and had to try something different. And the radically "different" has made all the difference.

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